Read aloud in “Ayya Anandabodhi & Matty Weingast’s Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation South Bay – Silicon Valley” Norman 42. Four or five times I went out from my cell, not having obtained peace of mind, my mind being unsubmissive. 43. I went up to a bhikkhuni who was fit to be trusted by me.… Continue reading 03.02 Uttamā (42-44)
Tag: Removal of Teacher Nun
One important feature of the Therigatha is nuns learning from nuns. Often, Weingast’s poems erase this.
03.03 Another Uttamā Therī
This translation has been made available on Shambhala Publications book page. Norman 42. Four or five times I went out from my cell, not having obtained peace of mind, my mind being unsubmissive. 43. I went up to a bhikkhunī who was fit to be trusted by me. She taught me the doctrine, the elements… Continue reading 03.03 Another Uttamā Therī