Read aloud in “Ayya Anandabodhi & Matty Weingast’s Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation South Bay – Silicon Valley” Norman 10. Upasama, you should cross the flood, the realm of death which is very hard to cross. Bear your last body, having conquered Māra and his mount. Weingast How do you cross the flood? You cross… Continue reading 01.10 Upasamā Therī (10)
Tag: Removal of Māra
06.7 Guttā Therī (163-168)
Norman 163. Guttā, giving up your son and the wealth [which are] dear [to you], devote yourself to that very thing for the sake of which you went forth. Do not go under the influence of mind. 164. Creatures, deceived by mind, delighting in Māra’s realm, run through the journeying on of numerous rebirths, ignorant.… Continue reading 06.7 Guttā Therī (163-168)
07.2 Cālā Therī (182-187)
Weingast titles this “Chala[sic.] ~ the First Sister.” Norman 182. Summoning up mindfulness, a bhikkhunī with developed faculties, I pierced the peaceful state, the stilling of the constituent elements, happiness. 183. “Following whose teaching have you shaved your head? You seem like an ascetic, but you do not approve of sectarians. Why do you practise… Continue reading 07.2 Cālā Therī (182-187)
07.3 Upacālā Therī (189-195)
Norman 189. Possessed of mindfulness, possessed of vision, a bhikkhunī with developed faculties, I pierced the peaceful state, which is not cultivated by evil men. 190. “Why do you not approve of birth? Anyone who is born enjoys sensual pleasures. Enjoy the delights of sensual pleasures; do not repent afterwards.” 191. For anyone who is… Continue reading 07.3 Upacālā Therī (189-195)
08.1 Sīsūpacālā Therī (196-203)
Norman 196. A bhikkhunī, possessed of virtue, well-controlled in her faculties, should obtain the peaceful state, never causing surfeit, of sweet flavour. 197. “The Tāvatiṁsa and Yāma and Tusita divinities, the Nimmānarati deities, and the Vasavatti deities; apply your mind there, where you lived before.” 198. The Tāvatiṁsa and Yāma and Tusita divinities, the Nimmānarati… Continue reading 08.1 Sīsūpacālā Therī (196-203)
03.07 Selā Therī (57-59)
Norman 57. There is no escape in the world; what will you do with seclusion? Enjoy the delights of sensual pleasures; do not repent afterwards. 58. Sensual pleasures are like swords and stakes; the elements of existence are a chopping block for them; the delight in sensual pleasures of which you speak is now no… Continue reading 03.07 Selā Therī (57-59)
03.06 Sukkā Therī (54-56)
Norman 54. What has happened to these men in Rajagaha? They remain as though they have drunk wine. They do not attend upon Sukkā when she is preaching the Buddha’s teaching. 55. But the wise drink the teaching, I think, which is not repellent, never causing surfeit, of sweet flavour, as travellers drink a rain-… Continue reading 03.06 Sukkā Therī (54-56)
01.07 Another Dhīrā (7)
Read aloud in “Ayya Anandabodhi & Matty Weingast’s Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation South Bay – Silicon Valley” Note: Norman refers to her as “Another Dhīrā” but Weingast and other sources say Virā. Norman 7. You are Dhīrā because of your firm (dhīra) mental states; you are a bhikkhuni with developed faculties. Bear your last… Continue reading 01.07 Another Dhīrā (7)