Norman 5. Tissā, apply yourself to good mental states; do not let the opportune moment pass you by. For those who have missed the opportune moment grieve when consigned to hell. Weingast Find the Path right here— in the center of your own heart. If you keep searching in the past and searching in the… Continue reading 01.05 Another Tissā Therī (5)
Tag: Complete Fabrication
01.06 Dhīrā (6)
Norman 6. Dhīrā, attain cessation, the stilling of evil notions, happiness; gain quenching, unsurpassed rest-from-exertion. Weingast Look closely, my heart. See how all things arise and pass away— even that which is turning the shapes on this page into the sounds and thoughts you are right now silently speaking to yourself. When you no longer… Continue reading 01.06 Dhīrā (6)
01.02 Muttā Therī (2)
Read aloud in New Book Network Podcast Norman 2. Muttā, be freed from ties, as the moon is freed from the demon (“seizer”) Rahu; with mind completely freed, without debt, enjoy your alms-food. Weingast One morning after begging for my food— looking down at one more meal I hadn’t worked for, hadn’t paid for, hadn’t… Continue reading 01.02 Muttā Therī (2)
01.09 Bhadrā Therī (9)
Norman 9. Bhadrā, having gone forth in faith, be one who delights in auspicious things (bhadra); develop good mental states [and] unsurpassed rest-from-exertion. Weingast You always considered yourself lucky because things seemed to work out the way you wanted. Now luck has a different meaning. Lucky to be walking a Path that finds peace in… Continue reading 01.09 Bhadrā Therī (9)
01.12 Dhammadinnā Therī (12)
Weingast’s title is “Dhammadinna ~ She who Has Given Herself to The Dharma” Norman 12. One should be eager, determinate, and suffused with mind; one whose thought is not attached to sensual pleasures is called an “up-streamer”. Weingast For so long, I thought only of the river’s end. Then one morning, I set my paddle… Continue reading 01.12 Dhammadinnā Therī (12)
02.09 Abhayā Theri (35-36)
Norman 35. Abhaya, fragile is the body, to which ordinary individuals are attached. Attentive and possessed of mindfulness, I shall discard this body. 36. Delighting in vigilance because of many painful objects, I have obtained the annihilation of craving. I have done the Buddha’s teaching. Weingast This body you carry around is like a small… Continue reading 02.09 Abhayā Theri (35-36)
01.10 Upasamā Therī (10)
Read aloud in “Ayya Anandabodhi & Matty Weingast’s Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation South Bay – Silicon Valley” Norman 10. Upasama, you should cross the flood, the realm of death which is very hard to cross. Bear your last body, having conquered Māra and his mount. Weingast How do you cross the flood? You cross… Continue reading 01.10 Upasamā Therī (10)
01.14 Sumanā Therī
Norman 14. Seeing the elements as pain, do not come to birth again; discarding desire for existence, you will wander, stilled. Weingast Walk through the mind all day and all night. When you find each thought ending right where it began— here your circling ends. Other Bhikkhu Sujato, including Pāli Caroline Rhys Davids, including commentary… Continue reading 01.14 Sumanā Therī
01.16 Sumanā, who went forth when old [Grandma Sumana] (16)
Norman 16. Lie down happily, old lady, clad in the garment which you have made; for your desire is stilled; you have become cool, quenched. Weingast After all those years looking after others, this old heart has finally learned to look after itself. Each act of kindness a stitch in this warm blanket that now… Continue reading 01.16 Sumanā, who went forth when old [Grandma Sumana] (16)
01.18 Saṅghā Therī (18)
Norman 18. Giving up my house, gone forth, giving up son, cattle, and whatever was dear to me, giving up desire and hatred, and discarding ignorance, plucking out craving root and all, I have become stilled, quenched. Weingast When I left the only home I’d ever known, I thought I’d left everything behind. But I… Continue reading 01.18 Saṅghā Therī (18)