Read aloud in New Book Network Podcast Norman 2. Muttā, be freed from ties, as the moon is freed from the demon (“seizer”) Rahu; with mind completely freed, without debt, enjoy your alms-food. Weingast One morning after begging for my food— looking down at one more meal I hadn’t worked for, hadn’t paid for, hadn’t… Continue reading 01.02 Muttā Therī (2)
Tag: Added Weeping
No doubt these renunciates could have done some crying before their enlightenment. But in Weingast’s poems there is decidedly more weeping than in the Therīgāthā.
05.05 Nanduttarā Therī (87-91)
Norman 87. I used to worship fire and the moon and the sun and divinities. I went to river-fording places and used to go down into the water. 88. Undertaking many vows, I shaved half my head; I made my bed on the ground; I did not eat night-food. 89. Delighting in ornament and decoration,… Continue reading 05.05 Nanduttarā Therī (87-91)
05.06 Mittakālī Therī (92-96)
Norman 92. I went forth in faith from the house to the houseless state and wandered here and there, greedy for gain and honour. 93. I missed the highest goal and pursued the lowest goal. Gone under the mastery of the defilements, I did not know the goal of the ascetic’s state. 94. I experienced… Continue reading 05.06 Mittakālī Therī (92-96)
05.12 Candā Therī (122-126)
Norman 122. Formerly I fared ill, a widow, without children. Without friends and relations I did not obtain food or clothing. 123. Taking a bowl and stick, begging from family to family, and being burned by cold and heat, I wandered for seven years. 124. But then I saw a bhikkhunī who had obtained food… Continue reading 05.12 Candā Therī (122-126)